- Beschreibung
- Optical refractometer
- Automatic refractometer
- Microbiological kit
- pH-Fix
- Checktemp thermometer
- BIOMASTER 750 ml/hour
CONDAT bietet Ihnen in Zusammenarbeit mit unseren Laboratorien für Ihre Anforderungen entsprechende Messgeräte und Testkits zur optimalen und handhabbaren Analyse bei Ihnen vor Ort.
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Optical refractometer
BTX 15 optical refractometer in % Brix for measuring the concentration of soluble machining fluids.
1-point calibration with a screwdriver, using distilled water.
Reference temperature 20°C.
Product benefits
- Requires no energy
- Allows for checking of bacterial proliferation and concentration of the blend
- Long lifetime
- Sold with all accessories
Automatic refractometer
Automatic refractometer for measuring the concentration of soluble fluids from 0 to 53% Brix.
1-point calibration using tap water
LCD screen displaying the value and battery life
Power: 2 x 1.5V batteries
Product benefits
- Supplied with a rigid case
- Automatic temperature adjustment from 0 to 40°C
- Allows for checking of bacterial proliferation and concentration of the blend
- Long lifetime
Microbiological kit
Microbiological test kits for measuring the presence of bacteria and/or moulds in aqueous systems or products in the following industries:
- Adhesives
- Caulk and mastics
- Cooked starches
- Liquid cooling
- Electrocoat system
- Food and drinks processing
- Grout, cement
- Latex paint
- Latex resins
- Metal-working fluids
- Paints and coatings
- Polyvinyl alcohol
- Washing water
- Water treatment
- Other aqueous products
In today's economy, it is more important than ever to check industrial processes to ensure that microbial contamination is kept under control. To avoid customer complaints, loss of product, reduction in productivity or quality, B-F indicator is the solution!
Designed for in-situ, easy, quick and inexpensive tests, it checks aqueous raw materials and other critical production components such as cooling water, metal-working fluids, lubricants, fuels, and paper pulps and sludge.
pH-Fix is a pH indicator test strip, non migrating and of high quality.
pH-Fix has been much appreciated over many years by professional analysts as well as non specialists.
Product benefits
- Long plastic strip, no contact between the fingers and the sample
- Practical and safe
- Bright colour range
- Four different colour scales for each pH value (pH-Fix 6-10) – very precise pH determination
- Quick to use and reliable
TRITEST pH papers with triple zone.

For more precise reading, these papers indicate three different colours for each complete pH unit. TRITEST is specially equipped with a hydrophobic barrier between the different indicators. The clear difference between the colours considerably enhances the use of the test.
Checktemp thermometer
Description :
The new electronic Checktemp thermometer is the ideal replacement for glass, alcohol or mercury thermometers: no more broken glass, or spillage of mercury or alcohol in the laboratory, no more time waiting for the temperature to stabilise or uncertain readings!
- Liquid crystal display
- Solid probe (105 x 3 mm), made of an NTC thermistor protected by a stainless-steel pointed sleeve
- Range: -50 to 150°C
- Resolution: 0.1°C
- Precision: + or - 0.3°C (-20 to 90°C) /
+ or - 0.5°C (outside this range) - Batteries / lifetime: 1 x 1.4V /about 3000 hours
in continuous use - Environment: 0 to 50°C / 95% RH
- Size / weight: 66 x 50 x 25 mm / 50 g
- Supplied with battery, protective cover and instructions for use
6 month guarantee.
BIOMASTER 750 ml/hour
The BIOMASTER is an electronic dosing system for transfer of enzymes (biocides) for the treatment of lubricant pipes and tanks.
All our BIOMASTER models have a flow rate of 750 ml/hour.
Technical characteristics:
- Reliable synchronous motor 50 Hz – 5000 hours of operations (more than 10 years)
- Flow rate controlled by digital clock - simple and precise setting
- 220V / 24V transformer included
- Easy connection
With stainless-steel can support
- Tube kit (silicone or Viton depending on model)
- Ø4x6 tubing for suction and back flow
- Suction / cleaning strainer
- Straight black nozzle for connection to tube